Who is "Buckhead" for the WBEZ tapes?
Well, now we have the tapes of Obama, Ayers, et al., in the WBEZ (Chicago National Proletarian Radio) archives that, as far as settling the issue of Barack 0bama being a socialist, are like the punchline to the old joke, the one where the guy asks the girl if she'd sleep with him for a million dollars, and she says, "Sure!".
Then he asks her if she'd sleep with him for a quarter, and her indignant response is, "What kind of a girl do you think I am?"
He replies, "We've already settled that question, now we're just negotiating the price."
But I digress.
I first saw this on one of the PUMA blogs, but the problem with the blogosphere is frequently in trying to figure out just where something viral originated.
So I'm asking, "Who found this first?"
BTW, I still maintain that we haven't seen youthful enthusiasm like this in a political campaign since McGovern in 1972.
And we all know how well *that* worked out, don't we?
I predict McCain/Palin will win big.
And many, many thanks to the PUMAs.
They are more high-spirited now than a good number of rather dour Republicans are at this point.