And here are her answers.
- There are already too many government regulations protecting the environment. Many of these new regulations are unnecessary and should be eliminated (for example, not allowing companies to cut down trees because they may endanger certain birds>
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - People should be required to pay taxes to pay for government programs. Programs (like welfare and Medicare) are good things that help out people in need. We all need to pay our share.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Education should be left up to the states and to local school districts. Each school district should set its own standards because the school district knows what is best for its students. The federal government should stay out of education.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Handguns are very dangerous. We need to have a national system of gun control to make sure that no criminals can get guns, even if this makes it more difficult for ordinary people to get guns.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Abortion is wrong and should be illegal. (If you feel there should be cases when abortion is allowed, like if a woman is raped of if her life is in danger,if she has the child then choose "agree."
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Prayer should be kept out of the public schools. Schools shouldn't have anything to do with religion.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Programs like welfare and food stamps are a waste of the taxpayers' money. No one should be forced to pay taxes to support other people.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - The government spends too much on the military. There is no real threat to the United States from other countries. We already have more than enough nuclear weapons and other military equipment.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Laws that set the minimum wage, safety regulations, and other regulations have gotten out of hand. Business should be left alone so they can make a profit.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - People should be free to marry members of the same sex. These couples should also be free to adopt children. As long as the two people love each other, that's what matters.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - We pay way too much money in taxes Everyone deserves a tax cut now. The government takes more of our money than it really needs.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Because schools in inner cities are so much poorer than schools in the suburbs, they cannot offer their students as good an education as suburban students get. Therefore, the federal government should use tax dollars to help poorer school districts provide better education. It is unfair that rich children should get better education than poor children.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Guns don't kill people, people do. Anyone who wants to buy a gun should be able to do so.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - The decision to have an abortion is up to a woman and her doctor, period.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Religion is a positive influence for kids. Schools should give students a few minutes of silence each day to pray if they choose to.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Government programs like welfare and food stamps are the best way to help the poor in this country. Charities are good, but they do not do enough to help the needy.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - A strong national defense is most important function of government. The U.S. needs a strong military and we should continue to spend a lot of money on the military. This is one of the best investments our country can make.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Government regulations like the minimum wage and safety regulations in factories are the only way to protect workers. Without these laws, employees would have a hard life.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. People of the same sex should not be allowed to marry or to adopt children.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree - The environment is our most precious resource. The government needs to protect it from businesses and people who might pollute it, even if that costs money and time.
A-Strongly agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Strongly disagree
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