Monday, September 01, 2008

Dear Governor Palin:

Before I posted this, I tried searching for your email link on the State of Alaska webservers.

Unfortnately it appears that said webservers have collapsed underneath the hitload.

I wish to congratulate you on your selection as John McCain's running mate, and state uncategorically that although I disagree with you on some issues, I have the utmost respect for your courage and the principled stands you have taken in connection with the situations that you have faced to date.

The Founding Fathers would be pleased. You are the type of citizen-leader that they anticipated; this is patently clear to anyone who has read their writings.

The career politicians, the beneficiaries of the status quo, those who nurse upon the teat of government, the statists, those who hate individual liberty and responsibility and those who would prefer to consider themselves citizens of the world first and Americans second are all terrified: not only terrified of you but also terrified of what you represent.

They are terrified of you because you, and the principles by which you have lived your life, are illustrating with the brilliance of a thousand arc lights not only their utter hypocrisy but also the corruption and filth in which they are immersed.

I ask you to please carry on despite the onslaught of insults and outright lies that have been directed towards you since your selection as the Republican nominee (I *can* call you that now, right? It's just a small technicality at this point.)

Remember that one of the best ways to judge someone's character is by looking at who their enemies are. And you have quite a collection there.

And, to make sure that I'm not painting with too broad a brush: As for some on the other side, such as the PUMAs- they are sickened by what they see, and they are more sickened with each passing day. I read it on their websites.

Most of them are cheering you on; some will vote for you and some will not; I respect them for their principled stands, either way.

In contrast to everyone else playing on the stage this fall, you are one of us.

Quintessentially American.

God bless you and your family.

Carry on despite the onslaught.

Carry on for the future of this country, and for us.


  1. Sarah, if you're reading this ... What Yanni Said.
    Bravo from this PUMA. Loved what you said about Hillary and Geraldine. It's just right -- if the MSM and others didn't want Hillary, we'll damn well smash that ceiling with you instead. It's not just about policies any more, we're all women first! I love the idea of the GOP hockey moms rallying around Hillary!

    Yanni, is my favorite PUMA site, there are other good ones listed at and of course

  2. Thanks for the kind words, as well as the URLs.

    You PUMAs will, to a large degree, decide this election, and I respect y'all a lot for putting principle over blind, mindless party loyalty.

    While I have significant disagreements with Hillary's philosophy in a whole lot of areas, and would probably not vote for her (I am a small-l libertarian, after all, and big-government folks don't exactly get me all hot and bothered), I DO respect her sincerity and substance. and her class, which is particularly illuminated when one considers what the Obama campaign and their bootlicking minions in the MSM have done.

    I'm eagerly awaiting Governor Palin's speech tonight.

    It sure as hell won't be boring.

    One of two things will happen:

    She'll either crash and burn, or she'll knock one into the next county.

    From what I've seen so far, I'd bet everything I own on the latter possibility.

    Tell your friends to drop by and either kudo me or tell me exactly where I'm wrong.

    I love intelligent discourse, and, unfortunately, Gresham's law also applies to the blogosphere and the postings left thereon.

    Best regards,

