Thursday, September 04, 2008


Now that I've had time to catch my breath and settle down a bit, I thought I'd write a bit more about tonight.

For historical reasons, my political heroes are Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill. Two rather ordinary individuals, who happened to be in particular places at specific times, and, when faced with extraordinary challenges, rose to greatness in order to deal with them.

History would be very different had either of these individuals not been where they were, when they were. And our lives are incomparably better because of them both.

Tonight I had the funniest feeling that we may have just watched the beginning of another person in the right place, at the right time, with the right character to rise to the occasion.

Because if Sarah Palin becomes Vice-President, I fully believe that she will be President after that, given her dynamism, principles and authenticity.

And she could change the entire direction of the Republican Party: Away from being "Democrat-Lite" and back to the principles of smaller and less intrusive government-- what would be termed "small-l" libertarianism in today's terms, and classical liberalism in formal political jargon.

(See "The Road to Serfdom" for a book which uses liberal and liberalism in that manner- it was written in 1942 and I consider it to be one of the most significant books of the Twentieth Century.)

In other words, what damn near everybody else in the Republican Party has forgotten about.

Don't worry about the slings and arrows of outrageous journalists. She proved once and for all tonight that Sarah Palin can take care of her-own-self.

And a special note to the PUMAs: I hope you were just as delighted with tonight's speech as I was. Category Five to say the least.

As we'd say in the South: She done us proud.

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